UVC (ST512), UVA (ST510), UVAB (ST513) ( UV Meters )
These instruments are designed to measure ultraviolet light in the range from 220 to 275 nanometers (UVC), 380 to 320 nanometers (UVA) and 280 to 400 nanometers (UVAB). The good illumination range of each kind of meter allow users to conduct the most precise quantitative measurements of ultraviolet radiation.
Backlit LCD and 4 Digits dual display
High and Low measurements
Range in a unit mW/cm2 or uW/cm2
Socket of tripod mounting
Automatic measuring
Low battery indicator
Magnetic mount
20 points memory
Radiometry and Laboratory measurements
UV-curing and printing industry
Lamp UV Intensity & Aging
Industrial process monitoring
Clinical studies & phototherapy
Semiconductor fabrication
Environment monitoring